Zac Gordon is hosting a “JavaScript for WordPress Conference” with two tracks on Friday, June 29, from 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM EDT. The free conference, sponsored by 10up and WP Buffs, includes a full day of online talks from JavaScript professionals who work in the WordPress ecosystem.
Gordon will be streaming the talks live via Crowdcast. Approximately 1,300 seats have been reserved so far, a number that rivals most WordCamps. Unlike WordCamps, however, the entire schedule is focused around developer education, featuring more technical talks that are often missing from traditional WordPress events.
“I figured there was an interest in more JS-specific WordPress content and, given my courses and getting to know some people working a lot with JavaScript, I figured I would give it a shot,” Gordon said.
Gordon has been working for the past several years as a freelance educator after his former employer, Treehouse, dropped support for WordPress education. He said his first project, the JavaScript for WordPress Master Course, was a huge undertaking. He is not offering that course anymore but is instead focusing on smaller, more targeted courses on his site javascriptforwp.com.
“Most of my courses this year will be Gutenberg related (have one now and a theme course launching next week, followed by an Advanced one after that),” Gordon said. He has also done courses at Udemy, Frontend Master, WP Sessions, WP101, and some consulting with Udacity.
“I’m still learning the right price points and packaging and size,” Gordon said. “A few companies have gotten group accounts for their teams which is really positive and encouraging for me.”
Gordon took a deep dive into JavaScript education after Matt Mullenweg issued a challenge to “Learn JavaScript Deeply” during his 2015 State of the Word address. He said so far the courses he offers have been going well and the community seems to have embraced the challenge.
“The funny thing about Learning JavaScript Deeply is that people will still be able to build things in Gutenberg and beyond without really knowing it deeply,” Gordon said. “However most in the community have already picked up React or delved deeper into Vanilla JavaScript, and those who haven’t I believe certainly will be in the coming months and years.
“Now with React in Core and the rebuilding of many parts of the admin with JS, we will have more real practical reasons to heed Matt’s call than we did before.”
If the “JavaScript for WordPress Conference” goes well, Gordon said he hopes to make it an annual event. He is also considering doing a free day of workshops. All the talks given during the conference on Friday will be recorded and Gordon plans to drip them out over the coming months on his YouTube channel.