If you are an up and coming business, you will have to look for a content delivery network (CDN) that provides the most benefits to your business. Before getting a CDN you should conduct detailed research on precisely what you want and what you think will be most beneficial for your business.

Many new business owners only look for speed but what they do not know is that there are many other characteristics you should keep in mind, after all, it is the question of your business as CDN effects the videos, images, and applications. Factors such as security, support, speed, price, and variety of features provided should be kept in mind while looking for the best CDN network.

Here is a checklist to make your decision easier:


As mentioned above speed is the feature everyone is concerned with nowadays. While choosing a CDN network, you should go for those providers that have a free trial period. Using different free trials and comparatively analyzing the options will go a long way in choosing your CDN network.

Speed, however, is not an independent feature; different things may affect speed. For example, images have become a significant way of product marketing; the image optimization on your website affects the speed of the CDN network.


As a new business owner, you can run into some issues that you cannot resolve on your own. You should use a CDN network that has effective support options, as you wouldn’t like to be on hold for half an hour in a market industry where half an hour absence from the online network can cost your business a lot.

Live support, phone support, ticket support, and on-hand assistance are some options that are given by various CDN providers. Go for a CDN network that had all of the above-mentioned support options or at least two of them.


Being a new business, you might not have a hefty budget allocated to a CDN network. In most cases, you have to pay per GB. This method is useful as there is no limited amount that you can use, and you can continuously keep your expense in check by calculating how much you will have to pay.

Most of the providers give you a detailed report at the end that makes the whole process easier, and you have a better idea of what you are investing in. Despite the fact that some companies do sell you cheap packages you should be careful while selecting them as you might not know if it will run out due to extra traffic or not.


While you are looking for the best CDN server, you should keep in mind that it is a long time investment and hence it should have long time benefits. You should be provided with the new features that arise with time. A CDN network that remains the same as the day you started is of no use.

If you keep these four things in mind, you will be able to find the perfect CDN for you. One that is affordable, has good support, is fast and of course, has excellent development.

Barbara-Morgan_avatar_1535060338-70x70 How to Find the Best CDN: A 4 Point Checklist design tips

Barbara Morgan is a veteran tech writer and editor who has worked in several hosting companies so far. When she’s not fixing typos and tightening sentences, she’s writing her articles for managed web hosting NL provider – Hostiserver.com.

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