25+ Modern, Premium Keynote Templates

Keynote is a presentation tool for Mac (and iOS) that you can use to create beautiful presentations wherever you go, on whatever device you’re using. It’s highly useful, dynamic and practical. Keynote is easy for producing and professional presentations that set you apart from the usual Powerpoint crowd! Having a modern, premium Keynote template is […]
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What makes a good front-end developer?

Defining what a front-end developer is and what they do is tough as it is. So, how do we set the bar for what makes for a good front-end developer?

Here’s what a few folks have to say on the topic.

I’ll argue that front-end developers need to master four different skills.

  1. Empathy
  2. Code
  3. Design
  4. Communication

Zell Liew

Front-End Developers, having learnt HTML, CSS and JS, are forced to take functionality into account when creating user experiences or making sure …

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WordPress’ Trusted Authors Program: What It Is and How You Can Get Onboard

The WordPress theme review process has become notorious for the sometimes long delay between making a submission and receiving approval. This waiting period is often understandable, given the vast array of new themes that are regularly submitted, but it doesn’t help when you’re trying to push your new product live quickly. With that in mind, …
The post WordPress’ Trusted Authors Program: What It Is and How You Can Get Onboard appeared first on Torque.
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Icon Design in 2018: The Key Trends

Icons might be one of the most important – and underrated – examples of design in your portfolio. Here’s a look at icon design in 2018, plus some great examples of inspiring icons and design work. Icon elements are shown almost everywhere, but sometimes get produced as an afterthought. That shouldn’t be the case. A […]
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Aspect Ratio Media Elements and intrinsicsize

If you need an aspect-ratio sized <div> (or any element that can have children), you can do it. Perhaps the cleanest way is a custom-property-sized pseudo-element that pushes the correct minimum height through padding-based-on-width.

But media elements like <img> don’t have children. The <video> tag isn’t self-closing, but when it is supported (almost always), the content of it is replaced with a shadow DOM you don’t control. Besides, these are the only two elements that “size to an external …

The post Aspect Ratio Media Elements and intrinsicsize appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

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Gutenberg 3.8 Released, Adds Full Screen Mode

Gutenberg 3.8 is available for download. This release features a full screen mode that hides both the admin bar and the menu. Unlike previous versions of Distraction-Free-Writing mode where things would fade in and out of view, these two items stay hidden until full-screen mode is disabled. User Interface elements (more…)
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