WooCommerce RC1 and RC2 • GetEllipsis search volume trends report shows growth for Woo • Negative security perceptions • Remkus de Vries on burnout and making life changes.

Over at WooCommerce Core, both the RC1 and RC2 for 6.5 came out this week in preparation for the May 10th final release.

Alex Denning published his latest analysis on WordPress and WooCommerce search volumes for Get Ellipsis. WordPress search dipped a bit in Q1 of 2022, but WooCommerce searches took a leap upwards. Get Ellipsis looked at 10K searches for WooCommerce terms and found monthly searches were up 12.0% year-on-year, which they note is double growth.

Take a look at Third-Party Risks Could Cost E-Commerce Sites Millions from Ecommerce Times. Their assessment is aimed at the broader ecommerce space, but the topic is applicable to anyone with a site using third-party services with security and liability concerns. Buried in the post they also mention Woo — oddly placing it in the context of open source and linking both with “small websites” especially susceptible to unaddressed security vulnerabilities. In several respects, it’s a highly inaccurate view that needs to be changed.

And over at Do the Woo we have a great conversation with Remkus de Vries around his recent decision to reboot his agency and go back to being at the helm of his own ship. We learned more about his earlier transition resulting from burnout after running his own business and deciding to join the team at Yoast and Boltserve. But listening to himself more over the last several months has pointed him back to agency life. Don’t forget to listen to yourself for your own needs — you can pay a little now or pay a lot more later!

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