One thing JavaScript template literals are great at is little blocks of HTML. Like:
// Probably from some API or whatever
const data = { title: "Title", content: "Content"
const some_html = ` ${data.title}
But that’s still just a string. It’s not ready to append to the DOM just yet. And what if we need references to those elements inside somehow?
We’ve written about a couple of libraries that are in this vein: lit-html and hyperHTML. Those are pretty small libs, but are also sorta more about re-rendering of templates in an efficient way (like super mini React).
What if you just need the nodes? That’s almost a one-liner:
const getNodes = str => { return new DOMParser().parseFromString(str, 'text/html').body.childNodes;
Now we could drop that template literal of HTML right into the DOM:
Here’s that:
See the Pen pQyZOz by Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier) on CodePen.
But how do we get our hands on individual bits of that HTML? We don’t exactly have references to anything, even the whole chunk we put in.
I just saw this little lib called Facon that looks to do just this. It makes use of tagged template literals, which is super cool:
import f from 'facon';
const data = { title: "Title", content: "Content"
let html = f` ${data.title}
This skips the need for our little getNodes
function, but more importantly, we can yank out those references!
let html = f` ${data.title}
let { title, content } = html.collect();
title.innerText = "Title Changed!";
Here’s that:
See the Pen Facon Template by Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier) on CodePen.
The post Get References from HTML Built with Template Literals appeared first on CSS-Tricks.