Growth is uncomfortable; you have to embrace the discomfort if you want to expand.

Jonathan Majors

Have you ever had to work outside of your comfort zone? It’s something I’m trying to get used to. But it sure isn’t easy.

This week and next I’m working from my dad’s home office in Tennessee while we prepare to sell his house.

This place is beautiful, and the view from the office is breathtaking. It’s easy to see why my dad loved it here.

But beautiful things can still be uncomfortable.

Traveling to WCEU has many people anxious about traveling after so long, and attending a WordCamp after a number of years.

But discomfort can help us grow, connect, and be more than we were before.

Whatever you’re doing, I hope you’ve built in a little discomfort to help you evaluate where you are, plan a course for the future, and thrive wherever you end up.

If you’re going to WCEU, here are some tips on getting the most out of it!

Have a great weekend,

— Michelle
