I find GraphQL extremely fun and empowering tech to work with, even as a novice just getting started. You’ve probably heard the elevator pitch before: it allows you to ask for exactly the data you need whenever you need it (probably at the component level), and it arrives as lovely JSON data for your usage.
I see it used as part of modern website builds all the dang time. The overall vibe is, “I want to do whatever I want on the front end, and that actually allows for more back-end choices as well.” And by “whatever” on the front end, that generally means a fancy SPA-ish JavaScript-powered thing or a static-site generator-ish thing.
Here’s a quick smattering of articles that are everywhere these days. Instead of the actual article titles, I’ll rename with the stack parts.
- Contentful > GraphQL
- Contentful > GraphQL > Gatsby
- Another Contentful > GraphQL > Gatsby
- CraftCMS > GraphQL
- Craft CMS > GraphQL > Headless site
- CraftCMS > GraphQL > Vue
- GraphQL > 11ty
- WordPress > GraphQL
- WordPress.com > GraphQL > Gatsby
- WordPress.org > GraphQL > Gatsby
- WordPress > GraphQL > Vue
- Drupal > GraphQL
- GraphCMS > GraphQL
- DatoCMS > GraphQL
- DatoCMS > GraphQL > Vue/Nuxt
- CosmicJS > GraphQL
- GravCMS > Gatsby > GraphQL
- Strapi > GraphQL > Gatsby
- Netlify CMS > Gatsby > GraphQL
- Gentics Mesh > GraphQL
- Relax > GraphQL (maybe dead?)
- Jekyll > GraphQL
- TakeShape > GraphQL
GraphQL is certainly in the new-and-hip category, but as ever, everything old is new again. Check out Query by Example, a language from the 1970’s:
.....Name: Bob
....State: TX
Resulting SQL:
SELECT * FROM Contacts WHERE Name='Bob' AND State='TX';
The post GraphQL is Everywhere! appeared first on CSS-Tricks.