Jain is a volunteer organizer for WordCamp Udaipur, a WordPress developer, contributor, and a seasoned traveler.
“Being selected for the Kim Parsell Memorial Scholarship is an honor, achievement and a proud moment for me,” Jain told the WordCamp US organizing team when asked what it means to be selected.
“I will try my best to make the most out of it and give back to the community in all possible ways. Since I have been a WordCamp volunteer and organizer in the last few years, I am excited to see and learn from WordCamp US. I am sure, I will have a lot of sweet memories and wonderful learnings to take back home.”
Previous winners include Elizabeth Shilling in 2016 and Bianca Welds in 2017. If you’re not familiar with who Kim Parsell is, I recommend reading this essay which provides some context as to why the scholarship was created in her memory.